It’s time to remember who you are.

I help guide you back to yourself.

-Not through mindset

-Not through a physical fitness plan

-Not through a devout spiritual practice

But by reflecting back to you the deepest desires of your heart and then supporting you as these beautiful longings take up residency in your very cells.

Thus bringing you into a state of embodiment that collapses dimensions and allows you to see yourself as the limitless being that you are.

Do you find yourself in a state where your spirit and body are painfully disconnected?

Life experience, conditioned beliefs, religious wounding and the incredibly fast pace of modern culture, can drive a wedge between your spirit and your daily life leaving you with perpetual symptoms of…

-Joyless living. Nothing really excites you, you feel like a zombie moving through the motions.

-Difficulty making decisions. You often second guess yourself, your mind is a whirlwind overwhelmed by all fear and confusion.

-Dissatisfied with daily life. Your days may be filled and busy but when you lay your head down at night there is no sigh of content.

- Pressure to perform within religious beliefs even if they don’t “sit right” with your heart.

This was never the intent, dear soul.

We came into this world as a multi-faceted being that was designed to move through life in tangent: mind, body, spirit. Working together for one common goal, to have the experience that lights you up from the inside out.

We can not have this experience if we pursuit a scattered, disembodied lifestyle.

Did you know your highest self is eager to be included in your day-to-day living?

The highest self is often talked about as some lofty, unacheivable version of you that hangs around with arms crossed tapping her feet waiting for you to finally get your life together. She is presented as an energy looming in the future just out of reach something you might get a glimpse of from time to time but never really connect with.

I call bull shit! I believe firmly that we are intimately connected to our highest self and that our highest self is intricately woven with the divine. She acts as the gateway for you to have a seamless existence that is booth firmly connected to the physical body while also merging with limitless cosmic energy.

You do not have to be one or the other, you are a divinely embodied being and your life is a magical miracle.

Curious about the outcomes of this work?

Check out what other people say about working with Miriam 1:1

“Working with Miriam has taught me the vastness of abundance that my soul is here to realize.”

Robin, KS

"In a world filled with spiritual "experts," Miriam is a lighthouse. Her unique journey allows her to connect to others with compassion, love, and wisdom. Miriam is able to hold space for me that allows spirit to communicate important information to me through her while allowing me to make my own choices. Working with Miriam has taught me the vastness of abundance that my soul is here to realize. She's gifted me the confidence to proceed in the face of fear, and her strength helps me transmute that fear into manifestation.”

~Robin Brock.

Pittsburgh, KS

“I cannot recommend working with her more.”

Since working with Miriam for the last 3-4 months my business and income have expanded in ways I never could’ve imagined had I not worked with her. And the best part is that she paved this experience for me in a way that kept my business oriented to my spirit which has simultaneously impacted my inner growth and transformation as well. I’ve been working on my relationship to my business and to receiving for years now, but it was only a few weeks of working with Miriam where everything shifted. I cannot recommend working with her more .

Veronica Stevens,

Chicago, IL

Are you ready to start your own unique journey to embodiment?