Embody the Moon:

New Moon Meditation

Do you feel disconnected?

I see you, walking through life in foggy state of mind. You can’t make sense of it all, you know you want more and yet the pathway will not reveal itself.

You feel stuck, disconnected. What you long for in your heart seems completely separate from the current state of your day to day life.

Sound familiar? Yeah, I get you, I’ve been there too and I can promise you you’re not alone.

What if I told you that the path to clarity, connection and joy in not to drop everything and run away to some exotic location.

What if I told you the only way out of the fog was to put one step in front of the other and step boldly into unknown!

What if I told you that the journey to love and connect with the self, to live an embodied life is the most important work you could ever do and it will forever change your life.

It is my life’s work to walk alongside the willing as they journey through the fog. It is my work to shine light in dark corners of the heart, to reflect the desires of the heart to tired eyes and reignite the passion of the soul.

I’m here to walk with you and offer gentle, creative guidance as you journey back to your soul’s joy.

Are you ready to start your journey?