Beliefs don't choose you; you choose beliefs

The more people you “save,” the more worthy you are to exist, and also, don’t ever expect to be wealthy.


These are some of the beliefs under which I was raised.


My conservative Christian home praised a selfless life where you never asked for help and tried to be everything for everyone all while never expecting to get paid for any of it.


Whew… even thinking about it now leaves me feeling exhausted.


For most of my life I just believed that this is how life “worked.” The divine had high expectations and my mother had even higher ones. This belief led me down a path of perfectionism. People on the outside might not have labeled me a perfectionist, I was far from the “A-Type” personality that was organized and always on time. But my inner world, my thought life reeked of perfectionism, and it was hell.


I can’t quite identify the day that I released the beliefs I was raised with and embraced the ones I currently choose. To be honest, it’s been a process over a period of time. But I can tell you that the quality of life I live now versus the life I was living under someone else’s belief system is as different as night and day.


When we create our world around beliefs that are not authentic to us, we create a reality that leaves us feeling like an outsider. To others it might look like we are living the perfect life but, on the inside, nothing could be further from the truth.


The first step in releasing these accrued beliefs is getting really comfortable in your own body. Synchronizing with your body and its wisdom will give you a safe place from which you can start asking yourself the question, “what do I actually believe?”


Why is embodiment the place to start? Because our bodies speak the language of our soul, it is the vessel through which we are able to read energy as emotion, emotions that are guiding us in this life experience. So when we have a really healthy relationship with our body, we are able to freely converse with our soul and understand clearly what we believe.


Simple places to start with your embodiment practice.


1)    Breathwork. Pause anywhere, any time and take 5 deep breaths.

2)    A slow and simple yoga practice. You don’t need to buy a membership to start a yoga practice. Take 15 minutes and intentionally move your body with breath and awareness.

3)    Sensual Eating. When you sit down to eat, turn off all electronics and engage the senses. Use all 5 senses to eat, sound, taste, touch, smell and sight.


These simple things are a gateway to a deeper connection with the body and paves a future where body mind and spirit work in tangent guiding you to the clarity you seek around your beliefs. Pick one and focus on it for a week, you will be surprised at how quickly you notice a shift in your connection.

Walking this journey with you,



Lack knocked on my door this morning…


What you believe about spirit has everything to do with your success.